
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Okay, lets get real. How many times can you think of when someone has let you down, or perhaps you have let others down? I've got a story for that one. It all happened last night when me and my mother were super exited to go buy the hunger games at the pre-release but we ended up there for an hour at least waiting for them. Me and my mother were so ticked off because every walmart employee had no idea what we were talking about. They finally started the pre-release party the only thing they did was let us buy the movie and they let us have 1 cupcake and a small glass of orange juice. Theywere supposed to let us buy the movie at 11:00 but they made us wait untill exactly 12:00 and this was super disappointing. If theese things make you upset and let you down then you will be happy to know that God cannot let you down, it is not even possible. So just remember that God will never let you down!!!

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